

Visceral Business was established in Sept 2008 to support organisations transitioning to being digital by design.

The consultancy specialised in:

  • Designing and delivering digital business models
  • Dealing with change
  • Building responsive, networked organisations enabled by data
  • Developing digital skills and data understanding across teams

Visceral Business’ point of difference was its multi-disciplinary capability and hands-on approach. Instead of giving advice, we worked with our clients as teams to solve urgent and practical problems using a combination of leadership facilitation and action learning.

This approach became a powerful catalyst for clients seeking to build their operational digital and data maturity and it helped organisations navigate the complexities of modern digital business development effectively and efficiently.

It was a ‘lean’ alternative to traditional consultancies. Our highly collaborative approach ensured that every project we undertook was aligned with our clients' vision while maintaining the highest standards of quality and innovation.

Visceral Business was active for 15 years. In March 2024 I decided to make it dormant and become fully committed to ceramics. During its existence I was grateful to have worked with many insightful leaders in commercial, public and not-for-profit organisations on a wide range of fascinating projects.

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